Finding standards

About standards

Standards provide specifications and guidelines for products, services, and systems. They’re developed based on specialised expertise and are issued by a range of organisations around the world.

Standards may be international, regional, or national, or they may be issued by a specialist body in a particular domain.

How to search for standards

If you know which standard you’re looking for:

  1. Identify the relevant database from the list below.
  2. Search the database by standard number or title.

To browse available standards on a topic:

  1. Search by keyword in any of the standards databases listed below with a relevant scope.
  2. Use a search engine to identify existing standards based on a relevant country or professional organisation.

Some publishers may require additional steps, such as user registration, when downloading or printing standards.

Accessing standards

Australian/New Zealand Standards (AS/NZ)

Access AS/NZ standards via Techstreet. The following requirements apply:

  • User registration
    • You must create a Techstreet account using a University of Sydney email address.
  • Install FileOpen to download standards
    • Download the FileOpen plugin.
    • Download Adobe Reader if you don’t already have a PDF reader installed.
    • Download your standard from Techstreet and save the file on your device. Standards cannot be opened in a browser.
    • If FileOpen is not recognised by Adobe, consider using the alternative reader Foxit. Foxit will install FileOpen the first time you open a standard. Restart Foxit once FileOpen is installed.

International Standards (ISO), International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) Standards, and British Standards (BS)

Most ISO standards and 50% of IEC standards are available as identical British standards via British Standards Online.

If no British implementation is available, email details of the relevant standard to

If possible, the requested standard will be made available via IHS Engineering Workbench.

British Standards Online also requires use of the FileOpen plugin when downloading or printing standards, as detailed above.

American Society for Testing and Materials Standards (ASTM)

Available via ASTM Digital Library.

Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Standards (IEEE)

Available via IEEE Xplore.

To restrict your search results to standards, use the drop-down menu next to the search box or filter a page of results.

Society of Automotive Engineers (SAE) Technical Papers

SAE Technical Papers are supplied on demand. Email your request to

All other standards

For all other standards:

  1. Search the Library Catalogue using the standard number (e.g. AS/NZS 1163:2016) or title of the standard.
  2. If the standard is not available via Library Catalogue search, email the details to
  • Related information

    Browse standards databases
  • Contact

    Speak to our library staff to learn more about standards. 

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